Growing numbers of workers expect to rely heavily on Social Security as a major source of income in retirement, but almost three-quarters of current retirees are receiving reduced benefits, according to two new reports.
According to a
recent Gallup survey, 36% of adults who are not yet retired expect
Social Security to be a “major source” of retirement income. That figure
is roughly 10 percentage points higher than a decade ago and higher
than any response in the past 15 years.
course, the best way to maximize Social Security is to delay claiming
benefits until “full retirement age,” which is climbing gradually to 67,
or beyond. A person due to receive a benefit of $1,000 at a full
retirement age of 66 would receive only $750 at age 62 (the earliest age
at which most people can claim benefits) – and $1,320 at age 70.
But that math isn’t stopping many workers from claiming benefits early.
the 37.9 million Americans receiving Social Security retirement
benefits as of December 2013, fully 73% were receiving reduced benefits
“because of entitlement prior to full retirement age,” according to a
new report from the Social Security Administration.
Relatively more women (75.4%) than men (70.3%) received reduced benefits.
findings come at a time when the Social Security program itself is
straining to meet demands and when many workers are anxious about the
size of their nest eggs.
the Social Security Administration is tapping the interest on the
program’s trust funds to pay beneficiaries and, soon, will begin drawing
down the assets themselves. At the moment, the trust fund is scheduled
to run out in 2033, after which Social Security recipients would receive
about 75% of their benefits.
that backdrop, a recent Wells Fargo/Gallup survey found that only 28%
of non-retired investors are very confident they will have enough
savings at the time they decide to retire. An additional 48% are
somewhat confident.
latest Gallup survey concludes: “To the degree [workers’] savings are
not sufficient to fund their retirement, [they] will have to make up the
shortfall somehow. The guaranteed Social Security benefit is an obvious
way to do that, if not by also seeking part-time work or scaling back
their standard of living considerably.”
Culled from moneywatch
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