Saving for retirement takes tons of time and planning — have you saved enough? |
Today was rough — your boss yelled at you,
your co-workers are as evil as ever, and you’re facing a two-hour
commute home. Your lunch break has barely begun and you’re already
daydreaming about going home and getting in your bed so that you can
forget this horrible day. As you go through your work day, visions of
retirement are dancing in your head. However, if you don’t have the
financial resources, your dreams won’t become reality anytime soon —
you’ll just have to tough it out until you scrape together enough cash
to make your escape. Are you on track to pack it up for good? Unless you
get a few key goals in order, you’ll have to keep daydreaming for now
(and working, of course). Here are some signs you’re just not ready to
retire. Sorry.
1. You don’t have a financial plan
Without a financial plan, it’ll likely take you a lot longer to retire |
If you’re not sure how to begin the retirement planning process, make an appointment with a certified financial planner. He or she can help you learn what you need to do to reach a realistic retirement goal. A financial planner can also help you figure out how much money you’ll need in total to retire comfortably, and you’ll receive assistance with developing a way to save the money you need. There are also several retirement tools that can supplement your work with a financial planner.
2. You recently experienced a major financial setback
Financial setbacks can throw off your retirement savings |
Retirement curveballs crash through the windshield
of life when you least expect them. If you’re close to retirement and
then experience a major setback such as a divorce, job loss, or birth of
a child
(hey, lots of surprise babies come later in life), you’ll need to
rethink your retirement target date. It will also be necessary to either
add income or cut back on spending so that you can adjust for the
financial changes that have occurred. If you continue to spend as you
have been, you won’t be able to reach your retirement goal in a timely
4. You still have a lot of debt
Debt can hold you back from retiring early |
3. Your money is tied up with financing your child’s college tuition
Financing your child’s education can put a major dent in your retirement fund |
We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: Your
child can get a scholarship for college, but you can’t get a scholarship
for retirement. If financing your child’s college education
is preventing you from saving as much as you could for retirement, it
would be wise to cut back your financing or stop paying the tuition
altogether. Have your child take on more responsibility when it comes to
filling out financial aid applications and looking for grants and
scholarships. There’s no guarantee your children will be able (or
willing) to help you out financially when you reach retirement, so take
care of your retirement finances now while you still have time. This
way, you won’t have to burden them.
5. You’re lagging behind your savings goal
Always keep track of your savings goals to stay on target |
Once you’ve gotten closer to your goal, you’ll need to monitor your savings efforts — now is not the time to set it and forget it. One way to get a better idea of how close or far you are to your goal is to use a retirement savings calculator. This can help you see whether you’re right on schedule or if you should be saying a prayer. When calculating your retirement needs, don’t forget to take into account additional expenses such as health care.
Culled from wallstreetcheatsheet
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